Please Support me in the Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis!!!

Visit my Personal Page as I raise $500 for the National MS Society. On June 29-30, I will tackle the MS 150 Cape Cod Getaway in support of this cause. But I can't do it without you! Please help me get to the starting line, and I will do the rest!

A big thanks to Team Summit for taking me on as a new team member. With their help, I know I will have the on-the-road support I need to get all 150 miles from Start to Finish!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I Bike Hills, Hilarity Ensues

Oh heyyyy!  It's been an eventful few days!

In general, things are going well.  I've put a plan in place that sets ambitious but attainable goals, and has some flexibility so things like two rainy days in a row don't completely derail me.  I wanted to ride three times last week, and I did - Wed, Sat, Sun.  Not quite what I expected, but I got them in and felt good while doing it.

Well, except when a crazy lady in a minivan decided her day was much more important than mine and, seeing me, pulled out of a plaza to beat the other cars, causing me to slam on my brakes to avoid running into her lovely automatic-sliding side doors.  No problem, I'm sure the milk was about to spoil or something, and when that happens you can't even feed it to the cat.

Or, when I got harassed by a woman who lives in the complex I started and ended from, because she thought I was using their parking lot without "proper authority."  It's okay, she was probably lonely and just wanted someone to talk to.

Or, when I got chased by chickens (you read that right).  Or when I had to dodge a brave/dumb chipmunk (Chip?).  Or when I also had to dodge a enormous orange cat rolling around in the dirt on the street (Garfield?).  Or when a dog chased me.  Nature!  Honestly, though, wouldn't it just be boring if it was all pedaling and no surprises?

Anyway, today rolled around, and I saw it was going to pour for the next two days.  I thought, it would be my third day in a row when I hadn't been doing anything except some surfing (couch and channels) in months, but fuck it, let's go.  Mistake #1.  I was trying to get 15 miles in.  Mistake #2.  I was going to leave from my house, so I tried to map a route that gave me the mileage without being overly challenging, since my legs were pretty heavy to begin with.  I chose and out-and-back route that heads away from Boston and has fewer lights and traffic to deal with.  Mistake #3... annnnnd knock-out punch.

See, I failed to remember that a key feature of that route is a roughly 1.8 mile uphill climb with few, if any, plateaus - just changes in the pitch of the climb.  I had to stop three different times to summit it.  At one point, I was sure someone had snuck behind me and actually tethered me to the ground, because as hard as I pushed, I wasn't going anywhere.  I considered asking for oxygen at the fire department I turned around in, but the guys sitting outside didn't look too friendly and I was more afraid they'd turn the hose on me.  So, I turned back toward civilization, enjoying what was now a 1.5 mile downhill ride.  In fact, I felt so good at the bottom of it that I decided not to turn home, but to keep going.  What number are we on now?  Ah, yes... Mistake #4.

shooooooot meeeee
In case you can't read it, that red bar goes from 2mi to 3.8mi and from 50ft to 300ft. (Click for larger image)

A few humiliating minutes later, I am off the bike and walking it up a long, but not particularly steep hill.  I knew it was time to officially quit when a woman in her 60's and a bike on her trunk pulled off to make sure I was okay, and then proceeded to tell me how she completed a personal best 77 miles that day as a part of her training for a 10 week cross-country ride (I had gone less than 8 miles at that point).  "I had my gallbladder removed," I said meekly.  "Oh... I had mine out last year, too," she replied.  Shit.

Well, adventure is all part of it, I suppose.  Today might not have been my best day, but I got out there.  Now, I'm going to try to figure out who encased my legs in cement when I wasn't looking and then enjoy a restful night dreaming of downhills and the wind at my back.

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