Please Support me in the Fight Against Multiple Sclerosis!!!

Visit my Personal Page as I raise $500 for the National MS Society. On June 29-30, I will tackle the MS 150 Cape Cod Getaway in support of this cause. But I can't do it without you! Please help me get to the starting line, and I will do the rest!

A big thanks to Team Summit for taking me on as a new team member. With their help, I know I will have the on-the-road support I need to get all 150 miles from Start to Finish!

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Little Friday Inspiration!

For me, Fridays are the toughest days to get a workout in.  On Monday, it's the beginning of a new week - it's all out in front of you, and you know what to expect.  I have work these days, workouts these days, etc.  By the time Friday's run rolls around (I do a 10K every Friday), I've been up before dawn 5 days in a row with a 6th looming, as I train clients every Saturday morning.

It is with that in mind that I sit here, trying to motivate myself to hit the pavement.  Perhaps you're having the same trouble, too?  Whenever you read this, maybe you are procrastinating on something else you should be doing?  Don't get me wrong, I would love for you to read my blog!  But - save it for after your workout.

I stumbled on these two videos earlier this week, and today they are my motivation.  I would like to share them with you, and I hope you find that these move you, both emotionally and physically, they way they moved me.

The first is a video of Team Hoyt, made up of Dick Hoyt and his son, Rick.  There are no words in this video and there don't need to be.  Many of you may be familiar with this story, but for more info, feel free to go here and read up on them.  Team Hoyt was at the Hyannis Races that I did back in Feb.  Unfortunately, I did not see them while I was there, but I can only imagine what it must have been like given the big fat snowflakes that fell for most of the race.

And if that isn't inspiration enough (and I'm sure it is), I thought I'd add this in as a bonus.  Sister Madonna Buder, otherwise known as "The Iron Nun," recently came to my grad school Alma Mater, Barry University, to speak on her experiences as a triathlete.  Sister Buder turns 81 this July and just released a book about her experiences as an athlete.  It is next on my book list!

Have a happy, healthy, productive and enjoyable Friday!!

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